Cream of the Crop 1
Cream of the Crop 1.iso
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* *
* (C) 1991 Thinking Software, Inc. *
* 46-16 Sixty-Fifth Place, Woodside, N.Y. 11377 *
* *
Thinking Software is the source for amazing Artificial Intelligence
Programs for your PC or compatible. All our disks are easy to run.
The instructions for starting the program are always printed right on
the disk label! Except where a price is indicated, disks are $29.95 each,
three for $59.95 and six for just $99.95. Order six disks and receive
a free copy of "The History of Artificial Intelligence". So pick up
your pen and check-mark your six favorites!
= Full Scale Expert Systems Ready to Consult =
If you are getting curious about Expert Systems, but
haven't had the chance to try one, Thinking Software in New
York offers software so easy to use that you literally only
need to be able to type a number from zero to ten on your
PC, AT or Compatible Keyboard. You will have to lock these
disks up at night, though, to keep them from magically
disappearing. There are currently many full scale Expert
Systems to choose from:
THE PSYCHOLOGIST..............................helps you
to deal with those mild everyday psychological problems
before they turn into something for the Psychiatrist to
deal with. Select from the Main Menu which includes:Anxiety
& Stress, Depression, Insomnia, Men's Sexual Problems,
Women's Sexual Problems, Disturbing Thoughts and Feelings,
and Childrens Problems.
THE EXECUTIVE HEALTH EXPERT...................helps you
to find out if you have a clean bill of health. You first
select one of ten Main Health Catagories (including Heart
Problems, Respiratory Problems, General Health, Sexual
Problems, Emotional Problems, etc.),and then respond to
detailed consultation. Over 3500 rules are included in the
Knowledgebase. Consultations average 15 minutes to one-half
hour. Diagnosis may add the phrase CONSULT DOCTOR or
MEDICAL EMERGENCY, when professional help is required.
THE PSYCHIATRIST..............................helps you
to understand the details of actual Psychiatric Diagnoses.
Nine full knowledgebases are included with this
disk:Personality Disorders, Neurosis, Sexual Deviation,
Drug Dependence, Manic/Depressive Syndrome, Mental
Retardation, Psychosis, Psychosomatic Illness and
Psychiatric Emergency.
= These three Expert Systems were built with our own popular =
= Toolkit. If you feel ready to construct your own Expert =
= System, the TURBO EXPERT TOOLKIT offers a simple Menu =
= Driven approach. You press only one key on your keyboard to =
= access any function. A clearly written Knowledge Engineering =
= Manual and easy Online Tutorial are included. You will have =
= the sample Expert System THE MICRO EXPERT up and running in =
= under one hour - we guarantee it! Only $29.95. =
THE HAPPINESS EXPERT.........................this
Expert System is fun to use and a valuable learning
tool. You will learn your HQ, or Happiness Quotient
and get some specific advice on how to raise it.
PC THERAPIST - Tell him your most intimate secrets, things you would
never say to another living soul - he won't give away
your secrets. Or vent your anger and hostility -
he won't walk out. Finally, you can have a long satisfying
conversation with your PC. He learns everything said
to him, so conversational ability is constantly
growing. Uses AI sentence parsing and knowledgebase
technology, plus 2000 word built in vocabulary.
Lightyears beyond Eliza and amusing too. Silent $29.95,
Talking Version $59.95.
ALVIN - Natural Language query system which answers virtually any
question about DOS. Excellent for beginners and experts also.
Besides explanation of DOS commands or parameters you seldom use
and may have forgotten, you might ask Alvin: How do I use the
FIND Command? What is piping? I want to see an example of the
TREE command. How can I set up a clock on my screen? $59.95
SEXPERT - Everything you always wanted to know about sex but were
too shy to ask. Online knowledgebase program can answer
query on virtually any sex-related topic. Also includes
random browse mode.
ELIZA & FRANK - The most famous A.I. program of all time,
the original Eliza with complete Basic Source Code,
plus a more modern Doctor named Frank
THINKING ART - (Graphics required) Four incredible sophisticated
art programs. Two produce animated random effects,
one actually draws various images and animates them
under your control. The last is a color organ, with
music and syncronized graphics.
FRACTALSCAPE - Experiment with 3-D Fractal Landscapes. You
choose a random number seed and the number of folds.
Then watch the fractal landscape form before your
eyes (EGA required).
NEURAL NETWORK - You can train this Neural Network simulation
to recognize the letters of the Alphabet or Digits
zero through nine.
DR. PROLOG - Yet another ELIZA type program, but this one
is written in TURBO PROLOG and the source
and exe files are included. Easy to add new
responses and questions to the database.
PERSONALITY PROBER - Analyze your personality - or anyone elses
on ten personality scales: masculine/feminine,
agressive/passive, dominant/submissive, etc.
View results on screen or print definitive
THE STRESS TEST - Rate yourself or a friend on recent experiences
in your life and receive a stress score. Are you
approaching burnout? This disk will warn you.
ARTIFICIAL LIFE - We love this one. A tiny bug appears in
a complex grid. He races around looking for
food. When he finds it he eats it (ususally).
He starts to learn his environment and form
habit patterns. He gets smarter and hungrier.
Will he eat enough to reproduce? Basic Source
and EXE file included.
RIGHT BRAIN/LEFT BRAIN - Which are you? Clever program does an
an analysis of your logical/emotional makeup and
reports on your dominant hemisphere. Includes
analysis of right brain/left brain tendencies and
typical personality structures.
MACHINE LEARNING - Program asks you questions till it gets
the correct answer or admits it doesn't know.
If it doesn't know, it will ask you for information
so it can answer that question in the future.
Keeps getting smarter as the knowledgebase grows.
PRE-SCHOOL ABC'S - An educational program for one to five year olds
that teaches the alphabet (typically by age three).
Uses subliminal method as one technique, a first
in childrens teaching aids ($44.95).
DIAGNOSIS - You're the Doctor, and can order a case history,
lab tests, etc. Intelligent interaction and
three patients to diagnose.
THE STOCK MARKET EXPERT - helps you evaluate any stock in
a consistent and reliable manner with
its Precision Matrix Index. After a 20 minute
consultation gives a very specific
recommendation on the investment
potential of each stock.
THE INVESTMENT EXPERT - this impressive expert system
is provided as part of the Impshell Expert System.
Written completely in Turbo Prolog,
it queries for information on current economic
indicators, and then suggests the best investment
HYPERTEXT - Hypertext is such a new and hot technology that
it is actually possible to start your own
Hypertext Business using thes new knowledge
technolgy. All you need is a PC and Hypertext
Software. This amazing disk written completely
in Hypertext has a full listing and explanation
of the business possibilities.
RACE TRACK EXPERT - Did you know it is possible to make a
good living handicapping and that some lucky
individuals actually make consistent money at
the track? Get a portable PC and take this
disk with you. It's the fastest and most
accurate system we've tried.
THE LOTTO EXPERT......We can't guarantee you'll
win the Lottery, but we do guarantee that this
full featured program will deliver pure random
Lotto Picks that you would not have thought of
yourself. So what? Well, we believe that most
people can't pick pure random numbers, yet that's
what you really want when you are trying to predict
the outcome of bouncing ping-pong balls.
Great graphics to watch while the random number
generator does its thing.
THE MANAGEMENT EXPERT.....Intelligent CAI Program gives
interactive instruction in three important
management skills: Communication, Delegation
and Confrontation. At the end of each section,
you'll receive tips and techniques based on
your own responses.
* *
An Expert System is computer software that can solve real
world problems requiring logic, decision making and knowledge
processing. Expert Systems can also categorize, consult, analyze,
and diagnose. These software tools are useful in areas that
formerly required a human expert. Expert Systems use deductive
reasoning to solve problems that are often unstructured, and
would be impossible to approach with conventional procedural
computer techniques.
An Expert System Shell is an Expert System minus its
knowledgebase and domain. It is an Expert System ready to be
taught the rules of knowledge in a particular field. An
Expert System Toolkit is something more: a shell plus an organized
set of software tools to assist in developing it into a full
expert system. Usually, this includes an editor for building
the IF-THEN rules that make up the rulebase, a trace facility
for testing the way the rules interact, hooks to pre-existing
databases and spreadsheets, and a sophisticated user interface
that hopefully hides all these tools from the user during
the run-time consultation.
The Turbo Expert System Toolkit is based on confidence
factors (10 means yes, 0 means no, 5 means maybe, 9 means
almost definitely, etc.) In addition, with this Toolkit
you are relieved of the difficult assignment of creating
an IF-THEN rulebase in a separate ASCII text editor.
The Turbo Expert Toolkit presents the absolutely
most direct menu driven approach to generating your own
rule-based backward chaining expert system. When it is
complete, your expert system will ask you (or the user of
your system) a series of questions (QUERIES) to be answered
on a scale of 0(No) to 10(Yes). At the conclusion of the
consultation the Expert will draw a graph of the User's
responses, and finally display the correct solution (GOAL).
Turbo Expert never says UNKNOWN. Demos: BABY, COUNTRY,
MICRO EXPERT. Includes printed Manual and Quick Reference
Guide. Silent $29.95, Talking $99.95.
ESIE is the acronym for Expert System Inference Engine, and
that is exactly what it is. ESIE loads in a knowledge base,
and builds inferences out of the IF-THEN rules, to
act like an Advisor. It is an Artificial Intelligence expert
system shell. An infinite multitude of knowledge bases can
be used by ESIE. Demos supplied: ANIMALS, DOCTOR, GLASS, DOS
The IMP Shell is a powerful expert system
development environment for the IBM-PC.
It contains all the utilities needed
to develop and test new expert systems, and run
them when they are finalized. All functions
are menu driven and appear in windows.
IMP expert systems are rule based, backwards
chaining systems. They are very fast and not
limited by an artificially small number of rules.
It has been used to:
Diagnose medical problems
Guide the repair of complex equipment
Give advice about taxes and investments
Guide chemists in synthesizing desired chemicals
Interpret telemetry data from satellites
Control nuclear reactors and electric utility grids
XXXPERT is an expert system development facility which
includes an editor, file manager and expert systems
inference engine packaged together in one integrated
environment. Access to Lotus and Dbase files is included.
You can use XXXPERT to develop expert systems that use rules
you write in an English language syntax. You can develop
expert systems that will aid you and others in doing things
that you would not be able to do consistently as well
without XXXPERT. XXXPERT allows you to define expert
knowledge just once then apply it repeatedly time after
This inference engine is designed with
diagnostics in mind and so will
probably be best suited for this application.
Later revisons will include
forward-chaining so that the user will
have the opportunity to give
pre-existant conditons, or that these may
be supplied by the calling process.
Note that complete source code in "C"
is supplied with this shell.
This unique program allows you to painlessly prepare a set of
rules for a decision-tree based expert system. It can be fun!
You teach the expert by repeatedly "Learning" new facts.
When you have your rules working properly, you can generate
a stand-alone expert system.
New Create a new knowledge base
Read Read a knowledge base from disk
Write Write the current knowledgebase to a file
Display Display the rules in the current knowledgebase
Program Generate a Turbo Pascal Source Program
Learn Run this knowledgebase and learn new rules
Quit Exit to DOS
Two complete knowledgebase files are included:
MECHANIC....diagnose your car
LANGEXP.....Choose the appropriate computer language
for your next programming project.
This clever little system was a pleasure to work with.
THE EXPERT takes both rules and facts in the form of ASCII
strings, so it is not, at present, suited for any direct
manipulation of numeric information. A rule is a list of
potential facts -- conditions -- and another list of facts --
results -- that become true when the list of conditions is met.
Both conditions and results can be stated in either positive or
negative form. Each list must have at least one member; there is
no structural limitation on the number of members a list may
The results obtained from THE EXPERT can be only as good as
the rulebase used. At present, it is entirely possible to
construct worse-than-useless rulebases. If it proves feasible, a
rulebase-editing utility program will do some testing of logical
consistence and overall quality of rulebases. For now, one should
keep in mind that THE EXPERT does NOT eliminate thinking -- it
merely requires that one do it right just once.
This Machine Learning Program plays the famous animal
guessing game, but could easily be modified to
learn about any other subject. Requires that you
have DBASE 2.1 or later.
LISP - The original language of Artificial Intelligence.
Experiment with your own AI Programs. Extensive manual
included, of course.
PROLOG - The modern language of Artificial Intelligence.
Selected by the Japanese for their Fifth Generation Project.
Excellent manual included.
PROLISP - Professional LISP for the PC Environment, with
several good example programs and extensive
Q&A in LISP - It is very hard to find good LISP Source Code
to learn from. This disk includes both the
LISP Interpreter and Q&A, an excellent database
source program you can easily run and modify.
AUTOWRITER.....Through advanced AI technology,
your PC can now write your next business report,
term paper, magazine article or even a
novel! Intelligent automated paragraph
generator searches and selects sentences
from any text file, writes up to forty pages on
any topic in just a few minutes. (And in
any foreign language you can use on a PC!)
Built in word-processor for final touch-up and
printing (or use your own favorite word-
processor). Complete with online help
and twenty-minute tutorial built in.
Includes program WORDFREQ for fast count
of word frequency in any text file.
Hard Disk required.......($29.95).
THE MEMORY BANK.....You'll use this full featured yet
easy word processor every day. In addition to all the
usual features, when you can't seem to remember the
file name of that important document and there are
dozens on your hard disk, the Memory Hunt feature
will come to your rescue. It scans at lightning speed
for any key phrase you can remember, and shows you
the document when found! A real lifesaver. Please
note that all text is pure ASCII so editor
can also be used for programming.
THE HUNTER.....faster then Gopher. Twice as nice
and half the price. Like Memory Hunt, scans your
hard disk, peeking into documents to find the
one with your key phrase. Scans thru thousands
of documents on a thirty Meg hard drive in under
three minutes. Allows you to enter a starting
directory...if you suspect that may be where the
file is....so if you already have a word processor
you like...you can still add this livesaver.
HUNTER will search for a file two ways:
1) By file name (if you remember it)
2) By file contents
HUNTER will help you find that file
when you have forgotten the
file name and even when you
have forgotten the directory.........
ALL YOU need to remember is a unique
word, phrase or number inside the file!
MAXI-READ....is a fast, easy-to-use and fun package that helps
you improve the impact and understandability of your writing,
your speechs, etc. In brief, MAXI-READ:
* Shows you the readability/understandability
of your message or text
* Analyzes and reports on the "personal tone"
of your message
* Allows you to type text in Directly, or
Import an existing text file
* Is able to analyze ASCII or WordStar files
(And possibly, files from other word processors)
* Shows results in both numeric and graphic forms
* Lists those words that are adding to complexity
and offers synonyms for frequently used long words
* Reports to screen or printer.
FORMMAKER....the ultimate form creation software. Draw
horizontal lines, vertical lines, boxes, add bold or
underlined type. Modify supplied sample forms or
create your own.
= Please note that all these voice synthesis=
= programs work best with a PC or Clone =
= that can be set to run at the standard =
= speed of 4.77 Megahertz. They all output =
= speech through the standard PC speaker. =
= No add on hardware is required, but voice =
= is not as good as with Covox Speech Thing.=
SPEAKING CLOCK.....Install this unusual memory
resident program, and every time you press
the hot key, your PC will clearly speak the
TALKING CARDGAME - Just like in Las Vegas, the Dealer
clearly asks "Do you want another card?"
Amazing voice synthesis thru the small
PC Speaker.
TALKDEMO2... Excellent talking computer demo, with source
code in BASIC. This is the clearest speech we
have heard from an IBM PC without additional hardware
....easy to add your own sentences.
ROBOT HELLO....A small robot appears on your PC
Screen, opens his mouth, and clearly says "Hello".
Very nice in your Autoexec.Bat File, so your
PC says hello when you turn it on. Sample
Autoexec.Bat File included.
LIGHTYEAR.....This sophisticate decision support
tool can help you evaluate and choose between
complex real world alternatives. You will have
to spend an hour or two working with this
package to master its many options, but
online help is always available. The Main Menu
includes these choices: MODELS, ALTERNATIVES,
DECISION MAKER!....can help you make a quick
decision though numeric weighting of the
benefits of each course of action. Quick,
simple and fun to use.
TOTAL RECALL (FCPO) is an electronic filing cabinet system
that allows you to file away and retrieve individual text records
up to 1 BILLION characters long. Each record is stored in
a .DBF file and the index key (which can be up to 50 characters)
is stored in another .DBF file. The limit to how much data
you can store using this program is "how much disk
storage do you have?"
LIFEPLAN (FLOW) is a database program for improving
organization and goal accomplishment. The system helps
you master Time Management in your daily life. Main Menu
BASIC PGM GENERATOR..This program allows you to set up
a customized data entry system and then writes a dedicated
BASIC database manager program.
* The data entry can be divided into multiple screens, called
* Several different types of input fields are supported: Numeric,
Alphanumeric, Formatted Numeric, Calculated, Automatic Date,
and Automatic Time. In addition, the user can specify any keys
that are restricted from entry for each individual field.
* Non-field symbols, such as titles or borders, can be placed
anywhere on the data entry screens for a truly professional
* Generated program is documented with remarks for easy
THE PROTECTOR - Protect your original programs from
unauthorized duplication by Diskcopy. Works with any
language and even with compiled COM and EXE files.
Fast and simple to use. Learn how Copy Protection
really works!
TITLEMAKER - Make big onscreen animated titles just by
typing the title. Add that professional touch
to your programs.
BEST PC UTILITIES - If you like our Demo Disk, you
will enjoy using the utilities we used to create it.
DUPLICATOR - This incredible program will allow
you to make a backup copy of virtually any disk,
even those supposedly protected. Also allows
you to view and modify sectors.
FUNNY DOS - Try this hilarious and completely harmless program
on a friend. Any DOS disk command leads to an
outrageously funny response. The C:> prompt soon
becomes Z:> or X:> or whatever. Any Disk command
results in the message "Now Formatting Drive C:"
followed by a lot of (harmless) disk activity.
The only way to end it is the keyword "kill".
PRANKS & TRICKS - Includes numerous other jokes to play,
none cause any damage. Install EATME in your
friends AUTOEXEC file. When he is working on
that important spreadsheet hit the hotkey.
Bugs will start to EAT HIS SPREADSHEET!
You come to the rescue. A special keytap will
restore the spreadsheet exactly as it was.
CRUMBLE takes control when he tries to exit
a program. The characters start to slowly
crumble one by one into a pile of junk on the
bottom of the screen....in agonizing slow
motion. A tap on the ESC key saves the day.
PROGRAMMER'S TAO - Hilarious...the book of Zen for your
DATA Processing friends...nice gift for a
Computer Programmer.
ARTIFICIAL HUMOR - An amusing Expert System which features
a hilarious conversation between a nagging Mother
and you (her son).
ROBOTALKER - A strange little man appears on your screen and
begins to move his mouth as if speaking. In a
balloon above his head an endless stream of
sentences appear. They never repeat. What does
he say? He is a philosopher, a wise man, a guru,
and you will be amazed.
THE FIRST AI GAMES - There are two unusual games on this disk.
The first is three dimensional tic-tac-toe, with
well-executed color graphics. In the second, you
have become microscopic in size and have entered
your own brain! You must locate some growth-hormone
so you can return to normal size.
FLYING SAUCERS - (graphics card required) 1,2,3,4,5,6,
7,8,9 random flying saucers appear on your screen,
rotate and fly off. Then nine new ones appear.
Automatically senses and adapts to your graphic card,
be it CGA, EGA or VGA. The EGA and VGA displays
are stunning.
THE PLANET - (graphics card required)....A three dimensional
planet rotates slowly in the depths of space, as
stars slowly wink on all around. This is soothing
= AI PACK 1...Our Six Best Selling Disks =
Thinking Software has been creating and selling unique software since 1984.
We've noticed that our customers have consistently ordered and enjoyed these
six disks. Now you can order all six for one low price, and get a free copy
of "The History of Artificial Intelligence".
THE PSYCHOLOGIST............................helps you to deal with those
mild everyday psychological problems before they turn into something for
the Psychiatrist to deal with. Select from the Main Menu which includes:
Anxiety & Stress, Depression, Insomnia, Men's Sexual Problems, Women's
Sexual Problems, Disturbing Thoughts and Feelings, and Childrens Problems.
THE PSYCHIATRIST..............................helps you to understand the
details of actual Psychiatric Diagnoses. Nine full knowledgebases are
included with this disk:Personality Disorders, Neurosis, Sexual Deviation,
Drug Dependence, Manic/Depressive Syndrome, Mental Retardation, Psychosis,
Psychosomatic Illness and Psychiatric Emergency.
PC THERAPIST.........Share your most intimate secrets, things you would
never say to another living soul - he won't tell. Or vent your anger and
hostility - he won't walk out. Finally, you can have a real conversation
with your PC. He learns everything you say to him, so conversational ability
is constantly growing. Uses a AI sentence parsing and knowledgebase
technology, plus 2000 word built in vocabulary. Lightyears beyond Eliza!
SEXPERT...........Everything you always wanted to know about sex but were
too shy to ask. Online knowledgebase program can answer query on virtually
any sex-related topic. Also includes random browse mode.
THE STOCK MARKET EXPERT.......helps you evaluate any stock in a consistent
and reliable manner with its Precision Matrix Index. After a 20 minute
consultation gives a very specific recommendation on the investment
potential of each stock.
THE LOTTO EXPERT......We can't guarantee you'll win the Lottery, but we do
guarantee that this full featured program will deliver pure random
Lotto Picks that you would not have thought of yourself.
= AI PACK 2.......For Writers Only! =
THE MEMORY BANK.....You'll use this full featured and simple word processor
every day. In addition to all the usual features, when you can't seem to
remember the file name of that important document and there are dozens on
your hard disk, the Memory Hunt feature will come to your rescue. It scans
at lightning speed for any key phrase you can remember, and shows you the
document when found! A real lifesaver, absolutely ideal for letter-writing.
AUTOWRITER.....Through advanced AI technology, your PC can now write your
next business report, term paper, magazine article or even a novel!
Intelligent automated paragraph generator searches and selects sentences
from any text file, writes up to forty pages on any topic in just a few
minutes. Built in word-processor for final touch-up and printing.
Complete with online help and twenty-minute tutorial built in.
(Hard Disk required...usually $129.95)
MAXI-READ....is a fast, easy-to-use and fun package that helps you improve
the impact and understandability of your writing, your speechs, etc. In
brief, MAXI-READ: Shows you the readability/understandability of your
writing, analyzes and reports on the "personal tone" of your writing.
It also lists those words that are adding to complexity and offers synonyms
for frequently used long words.
THINKEDIT......Your first Desktop Publishing Program, and it works with
any printer! We call it the Ultimate Word Processor, and you will agree
the first time you use it. Suitable for a full length novel or Phd or
Masters Thesis. Handles virtually any size document, limited only by
the memory size of your PC. Even includes line drawing, so you can create
a newsletter with columns and boxes. Completely Menu Driven, no arcane
commands to memorize.
EasyOrder AI PAKS....$99.95...just CHECKMARK your choice
1 Disk $29.95 / 3 Disks $59.95 / 6 Disks $99.95 with "History of AI"
N.Y. Residents please add 8.25%
We pay shipping!
All orders shipped same day received.
Thinking Software, Inc. 46-16 Sixty-Fifth Place, Woodside, N.Y. 11377
Check here for 3.5" Minifloppies ( )
OVERSEAS ORDERS: U.S. Money Order or Certified Check, add $5 Airmail Postage